Martin O'Neill Quotes

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The wise words of Martin
As we all know Martin has a wonderful way with words. He can charm a room with just one witty remark, that is why i decided to make a page dedicated to some of his most memorable (and maybe not so well known) quotes. If you have any quotes or 'Martin-isms' that you think should be included on this page then please feel free to contact me.

Nothing ever changes ;o)
As a young star for Distillery, Martin was asked what he thought of all the interest shown in him from across the water, his reply? Read on -

"It will be time enough to talk about that if and when an offer is made. It would be dreadful to give up my studies and then find I couldnt make the grade in soccer."

Irish and proud.
"I've never planned anything in my life. I'm Irish - I dont plan."
"Neil Lennon wasn't sent off for scoring a goal, and that's what annoys me"

"Some people will say its madness for me to take this job. I'm ready to invest in madness"

"I will calm down when i retire or die"

Martin and Rafael...
Upon arriving at Parkhead, Martin took Celtic's brazilian 'star' aside and told him exactly what he thought.

"You and I are alike, I can do everything you can do and i'm 48"

Nothing like our straight talking Martin!